Monday, January 7, 2013

A New Dawn

Not everything is going to go your way. Sometimes you feel like something is a sure thing, meant to be, and then it falls apart in your hands despite your best efforts. Sometimes you meet the woman of your dreams, go to radical lengths to make it work (ie. move 1100 miles to a new city to be closer), and find yourself single within a week. Sometimes you move into a room off of Craigslist, only to find out that the other people in the house are psychopaths with no discernible sleep schedule.

All you can do is suck it up and keep moving forward. Realize that nothing is permanent, and you've already made it through dozens of bad situations before this. There's always tomorrow, and if there's not, then at least you don't have to worry about it anymore.

It's time to move on. Accepting the things I cannot change, and working towards my goals. I've started the process of applying for the July start at the New York Film Academy, found a new job as a security guard in Manhattan, and have begun convincing myself that being single in New York City definitely has it's advantages.

Here's to new beginnings. Cheers.


  1. It is always possible to take a holiday in a small craft at sea to “find out,” but this is not escape from the rut. The only difference between a rut and a grave is that one is longer than the other, and to escape means to climb out, not to peep out.
    Weather your bonds are such that you can morally break them, only you can decide. If they are, your concern is with freedom---not security. The price you pay may be quite different having a lady soul mate. They tend to demand security and it could be a long road back to your dreams and hers. –Bruce over, come back respond?

  2. Wise words, Bruce. As with being at sea, all I can do is weather the storm, and hope for calmer seas ahead. There's always an alternate route, nothing is set in stone.

  3. Life is an adventure regardless of the ruts, potholes, rainy days, failed relationships...which, in fact, are part of life - the adventure.
    As one moves forward, one comes across all kinds of people stuck in the potholes: some live in mansions, others live in shacks; some are street cleaners others are millionaires; some are surrounded by people others solitary.
    You never escape, you keep going, learning, adapting and growing.
    People who tell you that trying "this or that" is an illusion or merely an escape from reality have probably been sitting at home growing mold.
    David, do what feels right and forget about "wise ones," including me.

  4. I agree, Horatio. I tend to see life as a giant maze. We make decisions, which at the time seem unimportant or inconsequential, and they can affect our journey through life in ways we never could have imagined. For example; if the Marine Corps had payed me my final paycheck on time, I wouldn't have stayed in Savannah as long as I did, and wouldn't have met the woman that ultimately led to my decision to move to New York in December. If that hadn't happened, I wouldn't be this close to realizing one of my longest standing dreams, going to the NY Film Academy. In the end, everything tends to work out exactly as it should.

    "If you're going through hell, keep going" ~Winston Churchill
